“Maurizio Galimberti, a professor at the Polytechnic of Milan’s Department of Chemistry, has won the

George Stafford Whitby Award for Distinguished Teaching and Research.”

“This award perpetuates the memory of George S. Whitby, head of the rubber laboratory at The University

of Akron and for years the only individual who taught rubber chemistry in the USA, by honoring

outstanding international teachers of chemistry and polymer science and recognizing innovative research.”

“This award was established by Rubber Division, ACS in 1986 as a part of its continuing effort to honor

teachers and academic scientists for distinguished innovative and inspirational teaching and research in

chemistry and polymer science.”

“The recipient shall have made outstanding contributions to chemical and/or polymer science education or

research, including the training of professional rubber or polymer chemists: the dissemination of reliable

information about chemistry to prospective chemists, to members of the profession, to students in other

fields, and to the general public; and the integration of chemistry and polymer science into our educational


Nel passato è stato vinto da Alan Gent, Leo Mandelkern, James Mark, Jean Baptiste Donnet,

Joseph Kennedy, Gary Hamed, Roderick Quirk, James McGrath.


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